Label Cloud

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Compiling .NET 3.5 code to .NET 2.0 Works

This is something that is totally cool. You can use Visual Studio 2008 and a lot of the new functionality and cross compile it to .NET 2.0 and run it on the older framework. For Example, You can use Var objects, Simple Property Declarations, Property Constructors, Lambda expressions

Here's an example program that can be compiled with VS 2008 to the .NET 2.0 framework

static class Program
        private class Client
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Address { get; set; }

        private static List<Client> clients = new List<Client>
            new Client() {Name = "Name1", Address = "Address1" },
            new Client() {Name = "Name2", Address = "Address2" },
            new Client() {Name = "Name3", Address = "Address3" },
            new Client() {Name = "Name13", Address = "Address13" },
            new Client() {Name = "Name123", Address = "Address123" }

        static void Main()
            List<Client> ClientsWith1 = clients.FindAll(c => c.Name.Contains("1"));
            ClientsWith1.ForEach(c =>
                var NewClient = new
                    Name = c.Name,
                    Address = c.Address
Here's the output

{ Name = Name1, Address = Address1 }
{ Name = Name13, Address = Address13 }
{ Name = Name123, Address = Address123 }

And it works without .NET 3.5 installed.

For those interested, Here's a Reflected code

internal static class Program
    // Fields
    private static List<Client> clients;
    private static Predicate<Client> CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate2;
    private static Action<Client> CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate3;

    // Methods
    static Program()
        List<Client> <>g__initLocal4 = new List<Client>();
        Client <>g__initLocal5 = new Client();
        <>g__initLocal5.Name = "Name1";
        <>g__initLocal5.Address = "Address1";
        Client <>g__initLocal6 = new Client();
        <>g__initLocal6.Name = "Name2";
        <>g__initLocal6.Address = "Address2";
        Client <>g__initLocal7 = new Client();
        <>g__initLocal7.Name = "Name3";
        <>g__initLocal7.Address = "Address3";
        Client <>g__initLocal8 = new Client();
        <>g__initLocal8.Name = "Name13";
        <>g__initLocal8.Address = "Address13";
        Client <>g__initLocal9 = new Client();
        <>g__initLocal9.Name = "Name123";
        <>g__initLocal9.Address = "Address123";
        clients = <>g__initLocal4;

    private static void Main()
        if (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate2 == null)
            CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate2 = delegate (Client c) {
                return c.Name.Contains("1");
        if (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate3 == null)
            CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate3 = delegate (Client c) {
                Console.WriteLine(new { Name = c.Name, Address = c.Address }.ToString());

    // Nested Types
    private class Client
        // Fields
        private string <Address>k__BackingField;
        private string <Name>k__BackingField;

        // Properties
        public string Address
                return this.<Address>k__BackingField;
                this.<Address>k__BackingField = value;

        public string Name
                return this.<Name>k__BackingField;
                this.<Name>k__BackingField = value;
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.

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