Timur Fanshteyn - Google Groups
My history on the net :) My oldest news post I was able to find was from on November 4th, 1994 - more then 12 years ago. Niiiicceee.... 1MB SIMMS

Technology, Software Development and other ways to make an educated guess about the world...
My history on the net :) My oldest news post I was able to find was from on November 4th, 1994 - more then 12 years ago. Niiiicceee.... 1MB SIMMS
Timur Fanshteyn - Google Groups
at 10:23 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
A pretty large chunk number of applications are use daily are opensource applications. A list I'll try to keep up to date is here.
Being an active user of opensource software, being a not-so-active contributor so open source projects (I've submitted a few patches to some projects), and even having a project on SourceForge, I've been putting a little bit of thought into what starts and keeps OpenSource software going.
There a few reasons that I can think of:
The reasons above can be split into two categories: Projects that have commercial backing and products that don't. So the question I'd like to raise is how long will projects without commercial backing survive, and what will be the reason for survivor or their demise. Will they survive when corporations will put their resources to create commercial product against a free alternative. I've noticed the same questions asked by others to the project coordinators as well.
NUnit - "The Death of NUnit Revisited"
NDoc - "NDoc 2 is Officially Dead"
Considering how fierce is the competition between comercial products, will the OpenSource projects that are developed by some great developers during their spair time using their own resources, be able to stand up to the competition? Or will the projects live only as long as they are not good enough to be considered a competition by the coorporations, and die as soon as they become a threat (or atleast a competition)?
Freeware and OpenSource Pt.2
at 11:37 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
There are a couple of entries that I have to write on the Freeware and more importantly OpenSource project. I'll start with a few opensource products that I use on regular basis
Freeware and OpenSource Pt.1
at 1:25 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
It is very exciting to hear that Microsoft considers .Java a beat. I would like to see some stats that would back that up though. Microsoft: .Net Beat Java, Who's Next? On a related note, it is very interesting how the focus shift for Microsoft technology will effect us. This relates to everything from Microsoft focusing a lot of its attention on consumer products (XBox 360, Zune, etc...) and Microsoft possible focusing on enterprise product development while considering the .NET Framework to be a great base to build on. I guess we will see soon
Microsoft: .Net Beat Java, Who's Next?
at 11:09 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
It is great when you learn something new, especially when its a little information that makes a huge difefrence. I used to have a multiple number of addins to provide the basic right click functionality, however, in VS 2005, it is available out of the box. Right Clicking on the file tab now provides you following options Close All Close All But This Copy Full Path Open Containing Folder Copy File Locaton in Solution Explorer -- jfo's coding : TIP: Try right clicking on the filetabs in VS 2005
Learning something new
at 10:33 AM Posted by Timur 0 comments
Microsoft made a shift in distribution of its MSDN Library. It is now available for free download from MSDN Library Download Previously, MSDN was available for download only for MSDN Subscribers, and there was actually a subscription level that provided only MSDN library.
MSDN Library available for free download
at 11:02 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
Working in Solitude
at 6:25 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
Sysinternals was aquired by Microsoft. Does tat mean that Process Explorer will finally replace Task Manager? For now, Sysinternals site is so slow (probably with everyone readin the news, I can't even login to retreive the blog entry :) Read it on CNet for now
SysInternals is bought by Microsoft
at 10:28 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
Ethereal - Now WireShark is a great tool that I've been using for a while to look at the network traffic and troubleshot all kinds of issues. Everything from remoting to FIX, to just browse through the traffic that is going on on the network port. The new homepage is at www.wireshark.org
Ethereal Is Renamed to WireShark
at 10:25 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments
This is a list of the utility software that I have running on my development desktop
Windows Utilities | |
Toolset from SysInternals | A requirement for system management. Process Explorer, Event Viewer, File Monitor, Registry Monitor, etc... |
UltraEdit | Trully great programmers text editor |
Notepad++ | Another great text editor - OpenSource and Free |
FireFox | Sometimes I feel like IE, some times I don't |
WinMerge | Great file/folder compare tool |
SlickRun | A nice, small, and very usefull Quick Run utility |
Console | Command Prompt Enhancer |
TaskSwitch Pro | Free ALT+TAB Replacement |
PowerToys for XP | PowerCalc, Tweak UI, etc... |
CygWin toolset | Unix utlities (includng XWindows) on windows |
FolderShare | Syncronize and access your files across the internet |
WinDirStat | Drive / Folder usage statistics with a nice graphical view of the used space |
Windows Live Writer | Blogging utility that from Microsoft. Quickly becoming my favorite |
VMWare server | Virtual Server software for VMWare |
Daemon Tools | Open any ISO file as a virtual CD drive |
PureText | A small utility that removes markup from clioboard text. The result is the same as pasting into notepad |
Development Utilities | |
Reflector | .NET assembly viewer |
PowerShell | .NET Command Line Processor |
NAnt | Build Script Processor |
NUnit | Unit Test Framework |
NDoc | Help file generator |
NSIS | Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System |
MSBuild Community Tasks | A colleection of MSBuild tasks. Many of them are so great and usefull, that should have been in included with MSBuild from the begining |
Snippet Compiler | Compile and run .NET Code snippets |
CoolCommands VS Addin | Add lots and lots of cool commands to the Visual Studio menus |
Subversion | Because it is a real surce control that happens to be free |
TourtoiseSVN | Because it makes my source control work in windows, the way every source control should |
SQLPrompt | Intellisence for SQL Editor. This really should be a part of the microsoft SQL tools |
mtail | Free graphical tail utility |
LogParser | Command line tool that lets you run SQL queries against a variety of log files and other system data sources |
at 10:33 AM Posted by Timur 0 comments
Labels: Tools
A wonderfull, tiny, new addition to my family. My second son was born this Thursday, June 29th, 2006 at 6:50 AM.
Here's a little pic where he's only a few minutes old.
David Ilan Fanshteyn
at 11:12 PM Posted by Timur 0 comments